Our Services

Our services include the design and development of new websites, creation of logo’s,  e-books, podcasts, marketing and so much more.

Author Starter Website


Full author website


Same as ‘starter’ PLUS

Redesign Your Website

$ 70

per hour

Website hosting

Fully dedicated WordPress site hosting from
My Small Business Online.


the show must go on........

After the written word has launched, consider your voice to the world with a podcast!

Only four things you need to start a podcast, and you’re off and running!


The sale of E-books has skyrocketed when Covid started and the trend is still continuing.  Sales are going through the roof!

Talk to us about creating your e-book for Kindle, Kobo or iTunes.

Spoken books

Another huge impact in the publishing area is the enormous increase of audio books, such as Audible. 

This is an area that all authors must consider.