Website Content Ideas

Do you need ideas for your blog post? When you put in a word or phrase into the search field of Google, have you noticed how other words appear below as a suggestion for what you are looking for? All the results you see are actual searches that other people have already searched for. So […]

Writing For The Web

Before I talk about writing for websites, think about your own behaviour when you go to a website. Do you start reading long paragraphs and then start to skip every few words or sentences? In other words do you scan? Do you look for a bullet point section that gives an overview of the content? […]

Plagiarism and Paraphrasing

Plagiarism and paraphrasing is nasty and can be very detrimental to you, your reputation and even have a financial impact for your income. Plagiarism and paraphrasing is nasty and can be very detrimental to you, your reputation and even have a financial impact for your income. In June 2021 there was an estimate of over […]